Steps towards starting an
ISOM Bible School
Start an ISOM Bible school as a student, group, or church.
Here are some steps on how to start the Bible school:
1. Order the ISOM Bible School introductory packet.
for only 15 euros including shipping costs or through online access, you can get a first impression as well as important information about the Bible School.
2. Order the semester 1 package as soon as possible!
Since it conveys an overall picture of the Bible School, and you also receive the study folder, the leader’s manual, and the leader’s CDs (with all exams), as well as all five video courses on USB-stick.
3. Offer an informational meeting
Where you introduce the ISOM Bible School, do so by showing a video lesson and the study folder. In the meeting, you should be sure to provide information about the structure and vision of the Bible school as well as the time involved and costs studying. Also, hand out registration forms at the meeting. Make room for and answer all questions from those present. To prepare for this, read the training catalog and the leader’s manual.
4. Choose a central location for the Bible School
Church rooms are ideal, but the Bible school can also be carried out in house groups.
5. Decide who will be the Bible School leader and co-leader
Put out information flyers and registration forms for the Bible School.
6. Be sure to advertise the Bible School during the church service and on your website
Legen Sie Info-Flyer und eine Anmeldeliste für die Bibelschule aus.
7. Agree on what day of the week you will meet, with the registered students
Agree on which day the Bible School should take place every week and publish the dates of the semester on the website and in the community.
8. Announce the registration deadline and the official start of the Bible school
Sign up for the ISOM Bible school as a student, as a group, or as a church.